Model: readers

Pillar Encoder



 PFNLayer (in_channels:int, out_channels:int, norm_cfg=None,

Pillar Feature Net Layer. The Pillar Feature Net could be composed of a series of these layers, but the PointPillars paper results only used a single PFNLayer. This layer performs a similar role as second.pytorch.voxelnet.VFELayer.

Type Default Details
in_channels int Number of input channels
out_channels int Number of output channels
norm_cfg NoneType None Normalization config (not used here, but could be for future extensions)
last_layer bool False If last_layer, there is no concatenation of features
Exported source
class PFNLayer(nn.Module):
    Pillar Feature Net Layer.
    The Pillar Feature Net could be composed of a series of these layers, but the PointPillars paper results only
    used a single PFNLayer. This layer performs a similar role as second.pytorch.voxelnet.VFELayer.
    def __init__(self,
                 in_channels: int,  # Number of input channels
                 out_channels: int,  # Number of output channels
                 norm_cfg=None,  # Normalization config (not used here, but could be for future extensions)
                 last_layer: bool = False  # If last_layer, there is no concatenation of features
        self.last_vfe = last_layer  # Check if this is the last layer
        if not self.last_vfe:
            out_channels = out_channels // 2  # If not the last layer, half the output channels
        self.units = out_channels

        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)  # Linear layer to transform inputs
        self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_channels, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)  # Batch normalization

    def forward(self, inputs, unq_inv):
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False  # Disable cuDNN for compatibility reasons
        x = self.linear(inputs)  # Apply linear transformation
        x = self.norm(x)  # Apply batch normalization
        x = F.relu(x)  # Apply ReLU activation
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True  # Re-enable cuDNN

        # max pooling
        feat_max = torch_scatter.scatter_max(x, unq_inv, dim=0)[0]  # Perform scatter max pooling
        x_max = feat_max[unq_inv]  # Gather the max features for each point

        if self.last_vfe:
            return x_max  # If this is the last layer, return the max features
            x_concatenated =[x, x_max], dim=1)  # Otherwise, concatenate the original and max features
            return x_concatenated  # Return the concatenated features

The PFNLayer Class class implements a layer of the Pillar Feature Net. It includes a linear transformation, batch normalization, and ReLU activation. It also performs scatter max pooling to extract the maximum features per pillar. The PFNLayer class essentially extracts features from point clouds.

Differences from PyTorch Standard Implementations

This class extends basic PyTorch components to perform specific operations for 3D point cloud data. The main differences include:

  • Scatter Operations: Instead of using standard pooling operations like max pooling, the class employs torch_scatter.scatter_max, which is crucial for handling sparse point cloud data. PyTorch does not natively support this type of scatter operation.

  • Custom Feature Concatenation: The concatenation of original and max-pooled features, dependent on whether the layer is the last in the network, is a custom behavior not found in standard PyTorch layers.

Abstractions Provided by PFNLayer

  • Pooling in Point Clouds: PFNLayer abstracts the complexity of performing scatter-based max pooling, which is not straightforward in PyTorch’s standard API.

  • Conditional Feature Concatenation: It abstracts the logic of deciding whether or not to concatenate features based on whether it’s the last layer.

  • Custom Batch Normalization: The use of nn.BatchNorm1d with a custom eps and momentum is abstracted, so the user doesn’t need to handle these details directly.

Limitations Compared to a Direct PyTorch Implementation

  • Limited Flexibility: The class is specialized for the PointPillars architecture. A more direct PyTorch implementation might allow for greater flexibility in terms of pooling strategies, feature transformations, and layer configurations.

  • Hardcoded Operations: The specific operations (like the choice of ReLU activation, BatchNorm1d, and scatter_max) are hardcoded. A more direct PyTorch approach would allow these choices to be more easily customized or replaced with alternatives.

# Example data
inputs = torch.rand(10, 64)
unq_inv = torch.randint(0, 2, (10,))

print(f'Input shape: {inputs.shape}')
print(f'Unique inverse shape: {unq_inv.shape}')

# Initialize PFNLayer
pfn_layer = PFNLayer(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, last_layer=False)

# Forward pass
output = pfn_layer(inputs, unq_inv)

print(f'Output shape: {output.shape}')

# Plot input features and output features
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8))
ax[0].imshow(inputs.numpy(), aspect='auto', cmap='viridis')
ax[0].set_title('Input Features')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Feature Dimension')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Point Index')

ax[1].imshow(output.detach().numpy(), aspect='auto', cmap='viridis')
ax[1].set_title('Output Features')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Feature Dimension')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Point Index')

Input shape: torch.Size([10, 64])
Unique inverse shape: torch.Size([10])
Output shape: torch.Size([10, 128])



 PillarNet (num_input_features:int, voxel_size:list, pc_range:list)

*PillarNet. The network performs dynamic pillar scatter that convert point cloud into pillar representation and extract pillar features

Reference: PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds ( End-to-End Multi-View Fusion for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds (*

Type Details
num_input_features int Number of input features
voxel_size list A list that defines the size of the voxels (grids) in the x and y dimensions.
pc_range list A list defining the range of the point cloud data in the x and y dimensions. This is used to filter and normalize the point cloud data. Only utilize x and y min
Exported source
class PillarNet(nn.Module):
    The network performs dynamic pillar scatter that convert point cloud into pillar representation
    and extract pillar features

    PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds (
    End-to-End Multi-View Fusion for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds (

    def __init__(self,
                 num_input_features: int, # Number of input features
                 voxel_size: list, # A list that defines the size of the voxels (grids) in the x and y dimensions.
                 pc_range: list, # A list defining the range of the point cloud data in the x and y dimensions. This is used to filter and normalize the point cloud data. Only utilize x and y min
        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
        self.pc_range = np.array(pc_range)

    def forward(self,
                points: torch.Tensor # Points in LiDAR coordinate, shape: (N, d), format: batch_id, x, y, z, feat1, ...

        device = points.device
        dtype = points.dtype

        # discard out of range points
        grid_size = (self.pc_range[3:] - self.pc_range[:3]
                     )/self.voxel_size  # x,  y, z
        grid_size = np.round(grid_size, 0, grid_size).astype(np.int64)

        voxel_size = torch.from_numpy(
        pc_range = torch.from_numpy(self.pc_range).type_as(points).to(device)

        points_coords = (
            points[:, 1:4] - pc_range[:3].view(-1, 3)) / voxel_size.view(-1, 3)   # x, y, z

        mask = reduce(torch.logical_and, (points_coords[:, 0] >= 0,
                                          points_coords[:, 0] < grid_size[0],
                                          points_coords[:, 1] >= 0,
                                          points_coords[:, 1] < grid_size[1]))

        points = points[mask]
        points_coords = points_coords[mask]

        points_coords = points_coords.long()
        batch_idx = points[:, 0:1].long()

        points_index =, points_coords[:, :2]), dim=1)
        unq, unq_inv = torch.unique(points_index, return_inverse=True, dim=0)
        unq =

        points_mean_scatter = torch_scatter.scatter_mean(
            points[:, 1:4], unq_inv, dim=0)

        f_cluster = points[:, 1:4] - points_mean_scatter[unq_inv]

        # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center
        f_center = points[:, 1:3] - (points_coords[:, :2].to(dtype) * voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) +
                                     voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) / 2 + pc_range[:2].unsqueeze(0))

        # Combine together feature decorations
        features =[points[:, 1:], f_cluster, f_center], dim=-1)

        return features, unq[:, [0, 2, 1]], unq_inv, grid_size[[1, 0]]

The PillarNet class is a neural network module designed for converting LiDAR point clouds into a structured pillar representation. It is based on the concepts introduced in papers such as PointPillars: Fast Encoders for Object Detection from Point Clouds and End-to-End Multi-View Fusion for 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds. This network performs a dynamic pillar scatter operation, which helps in efficiently extracting pillar features from unstructured point cloud data.

Core Functionality

  1. Forward Method:
    • Point Filtering: The input points are filtered based on the specified pc_range to discard points that are outside the defined range.
    • Grid Size Calculation: The grid size is computed based on the voxel_size and pc_range, which determines the resolution of the voxelization.
    • Point Coordinates Normalization: The point coordinates are normalized with respect to the voxel size and point cloud range, converting the continuous coordinates into discrete voxel indices.
    • Point Clustering: The points are clustered into pillars based on their voxel indices.
    • Feature Decoration: Additional features are calculated, including:
      • f_cluster: The distance of each point from the mean of its cluster (pillar).
      • f_center: The distance of each point from the center of its respective voxel.
    • Feature Aggregation: The original point features, along with the newly computed features (f_cluster and f_center), are concatenated to form the final feature set for each point.
    • Return Values: The method returns the final point features, the unique pillar indices, the inverse indices used for aggregation, and the grid size.


  1. Abstraction of Point Cloud Operations:
    • The PillarNet class abstracts the voxelization and feature extraction process, which would otherwise require manual implementation using basic PyTorch operations. It provides a higher-level interface to work with point cloud data, simplifying the process of converting point clouds into pillar-based representations.
  2. Integration of Advanced Operations:
    • Operations like torch_scatter.scatter_mean are used for efficiently computing cluster mean features. These operations are not directly available in standard PyTorch and require the use of external libraries like torch_scatter.
  3. Grid Management:
    • The class handles the computation of grid size and point normalization internally, which would otherwise require manual calculation and management in a more direct implementation.


  1. Flexibility:
    • While PillarNet provides a streamlined approach to pillar feature extraction, it may lack the flexibility needed for more customized operations or for handling point cloud data in formats that differ from the assumptions made in the class.
  2. Limited Customization:
    • The class is designed for a specific type of pillar-based representation. Users who require different types of voxelization or feature extraction strategies may find it limiting and may need to modify or extend the class, which could be more cumbersome than implementing a direct approach from scratch.
# Create a sample point cloud with shape (N, d)
# Here, d includes batch_id, x, y, z, and some additional features (e.g., intensity)
points = torch.tensor([
    [0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.5],
    [0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 0.6],
    [1, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 0.7],
    [1, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 0.8]
], dtype=torch.float32)

# Define the number of input features (excluding batch_id, x, y, z)
num_input_features = points.shape[1] - 1

# Define voxel size (x_size, y_size, z_size)
voxel_size = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

# Define point cloud range (x_min, y_min, z_min, x_max, y_max, z_max)
pc_range = [0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10]

# Create an instance of PillarNet
pillar_net = PillarNet(num_input_features, voxel_size, pc_range)

# Forward pass with the sample points
features, unique_voxel_indices, inverse_indices, grid_size = pillar_net(points)

# Print the results
print("Features:", features)
print("Unique Voxel Indices:", unique_voxel_indices)
print("Inverse Indices:", inverse_indices)
print("Grid Size:", grid_size)
Features: tensor([[ 1.0000,  2.0000,  3.0000,  0.5000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000, -0.2500,
        [ 2.5000,  3.5000,  4.5000,  0.6000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000, -0.2500,
        [ 5.0000,  6.0000,  7.0000,  0.7000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000, -0.2500,
        [ 8.0000,  9.0000, 10.0000,  0.8000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000, -0.2500,
Unique Voxel Indices: tensor([[ 0,  4,  2],
        [ 0,  7,  5],
        [ 1, 12, 10],
        [ 1, 18, 16]], dtype=torch.int32)
Inverse Indices: tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
Grid Size: [20 20]



 PillarFeatureNet (num_input_features:int, num_filters:list,
                   voxel_size:list, pc_range:list, norm_cfg:None)

Pillar Feature Net. The network prepares the pillar features and performs forward pass through PFNLayers. This net performs a similar role to SECOND’s second.pytorch.voxelnet.VoxelFeatureExtractor.

Type Details
num_input_features int Number of input features
num_filters list Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
voxel_size list Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
pc_range list Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
norm_cfg None Normalization config
Exported source
class PillarFeatureNet(nn.Module):
    Pillar Feature Net.
    The network prepares the pillar features and performs forward pass through PFNLayers. This net performs a
    similar role to SECOND's second.pytorch.voxelnet.VoxelFeatureExtractor.
    def __init__(
        num_input_features: int, # Number of input features
        num_filters: list, # Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
        voxel_size: list, # Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
        pc_range: list, # Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
        norm_cfg:None, # Normalization config

        assert len(num_filters) > 0
        num_input_features += 5

        # Create PillarFeatureNet layers
        num_filters = [num_input_features] + list(num_filters)
        pfn_layers = []
        for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1):
            in_filters = num_filters[i]
            out_filters = num_filters[i + 1]
            if i < len(num_filters) - 2:
                last_layer = False
                last_layer = True
                    in_filters, out_filters, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, last_layer=last_layer
        self.pfn_layers = nn.ModuleList(pfn_layers)

        self.feature_output_dim = num_filters[-1]

        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
        self.pc_range = np.array(pc_range)

        self.voxelization = PillarNet(num_input_features, voxel_size, pc_range)

    def forward(self, points):
        features, coords, unq_inv, grid_size = self.voxelization(points)
        # Forward pass through PFNLayers
        for pfn in self.pfn_layers:
            features = pfn(features, unq_inv)  # num_points, dim_feat

        feat_max = torch_scatter.scatter_max(features, unq_inv, dim=0)[0]

        return feat_max, coords, grid_size

The PillarFeatureNet class is designed for preparing pillar features from the point cloud data, used in 3D object detection tasks in LiDAR-based perception systems. This network handles the transformation of raw point cloud data into a more structured and feature-rich representation, which will be essential for further processing in the object detection.


  1. Initialization (__init__ method):
    • Input Features Augmentation: The class initializes by augmenting the input features with additional spatial information, increasing the dimensionality by 5 (which might include features like the relative position of points within a pillar, etc.).
    • Layer Creation: It then creates a sequence of layers, PFNLayers, which perform the feature extraction. The number of layers and their configuration are determined by the num_filters parameter.
    • Voxelization: The class initializes the voxelization process, converting the raw point cloud data into a voxel grid with specified voxel_size and within a specified pc_range (point cloud range). This voxelization is essential for handling irregular point clouds by grouping points into a regular grid structure, called “pillars.”
  2. Forward Pass (forward method):
    • Voxelization: The input point cloud is first voxelized, where the points are grouped into pillars, and features are extracted.
    • PFN Layers: The extracted features are passed through the PFNLayers, where each layer performs a certain amount of processing. These layers typically involve operations like PointNet-style feature learning.
    • Max Pooling: Finally, the features are aggregated using a max-pooling operation (torch_scatter.scatter_max), which pools the features across the points in each pillar to get a fixed-size feature vector for each pillar.


This class abstracts several operations that would require more manual implementation in pure PyTorch. For instance, voxelization and the subsequent grouping of points into pillars are handled internally by the PillarNet class.

The abstraction can reduce flexibility. If you need to tweak certain aspects of the feature extraction or voxelization process, this might be harder to do compared to a more manual approach where every operation is explicit.

# Define input parameters for PillarFeatureNet
# Mock values for demonstration purposes
num_input_features = 3
num_filters = [64, 128]
voxel_size = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
pc_range = [0, 0, 0, 50, 50, 50]
norm_cfg = None

# Instantiate the PillarFeatureNet
pillar_feature_net = PillarFeatureNet(

# Create some dummy input points
# Each point might have x, y, z, intensity, etc.
num_points = 100  # Number of points in the point cloud
points = torch.rand(num_points, num_input_features + 1)  # Random points (x, y, z, intensity)

# Run a forward pass
feat_max, coords, grid_size = pillar_feature_net(points)

# Print the outputs
print("Max Features:\n", feat_max)
print("Voxel Coordinates:\n", coords)
print("Grid Size:\n", grid_size)
Max Features:
 tensor([[0.0000, 1.9903, 1.5468,  ..., 0.1351, 1.5962, 1.8613],
        [0.0953, 0.8951, 0.5835,  ..., 0.3777, 0.4148, 1.1723],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0628,  ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 0.6913, 0.4461,  ..., 1.3929, 0.0906, 1.3596],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  ..., 0.1496, 0.0000, 0.0000],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,  ..., 1.5835, 0.0000, 0.0030]],
Voxel Coordinates:
 tensor([[0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 2, 0],
        [0, 3, 0],
        [0, 4, 0],
        [0, 0, 1],
        [0, 1, 1],
        [0, 2, 1],
        [0, 3, 1],
        [0, 4, 1],
        [0, 0, 2],
        [0, 1, 2],
        [0, 2, 2],
        [0, 3, 2],
        [0, 4, 2],
        [0, 0, 3],
        [0, 1, 3],
        [0, 2, 3],
        [0, 3, 3],
        [0, 4, 3],
        [0, 0, 4],
        [0, 1, 4],
        [0, 2, 4],
        [0, 3, 4],
        [0, 4, 4]], dtype=torch.int32)
Grid Size:
 [250 250]
# Create some dummy input points
num_points = 100  # Number of points in the point cloud
points = torch.rand(num_points, num_input_features + 1)  # Random points (x, y, z, intensity)

# Visualize the input using matplotlib
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Plot point cloud coordinates
ax.scatter(points[:, 0].numpy(), points[:, 1].numpy(), points[:, 2].numpy(), c='r', marker='o')

# Label axes

# Title
ax.set_title('Point Cloud Coordinates')

# Visualize the output using matplotlib
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Plot voxel coordinates
ax.scatter(coords[:, 0].numpy(), coords[:, 1].numpy(), coords[:, 2].numpy(), c='b', marker='o')

# Label axes

# Title
ax.set_title('Voxel Coordinates')

Voxel Encoder



 DynamicVoxelEncoder ()

Dynamic version of VoxelFeatureExtractorV3

Exported source
class DynamicVoxelEncoder(nn.Module):
    Dynamic version of VoxelFeatureExtractorV3

    def __init__(self):
        super(DynamicVoxelEncoder, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, inputs, unq_inv):
        features = torch_scatter.scatter_mean(inputs, unq_inv, dim=0)

        return features

The DynamicVoxelEncoder class is a module that serves as a custom feature extractor for voxel-based data, utilizing dynamic computations to process input features.

The method performs a scatter operation using the torch_scatter.scatter_mean function, which computes the mean of features that belong to the same group, as indicated by the unq_inv tensor. The result is a tensor of aggregated features, where each feature corresponds to a unique group.

This design makes the DynamicVoxelEncoder easy to integrate into larger architectures that require voxel-based feature extraction, such as 3D object detection networks.



 VoxelNet (voxel_size, pc_range)

*Dynamic voxelization for point clouds

This class performs dynamic voxelization on input point clouds. It converts point coordinates into voxel grid coordinates and removes points that fall outside the specified range.*

voxel_size The size of each voxel in the grid. It is expected to be a 3-element list or array that defines the size of the voxel in the x, y, and z dimensions.
pc_range The range of the point cloud. It’s a 6-element list or array that specifies the minimum and maximum bounds in the x, y, and z dimensions.
Exported source
class VoxelNet(nn.Module):
    Dynamic voxelization for point clouds

    This class performs dynamic voxelization on input point clouds.
    It converts point coordinates into voxel grid coordinates and removes points that fall outside the specified range.

    def __init__(self,
                voxel_size, # The size of each voxel in the grid. It is expected to be a 3-element list or array that defines the size of the voxel in the x, y, and z dimensions.
                pc_range # The range of the point cloud. It's a 6-element list or array that specifies the minimum and maximum bounds in the x, y, and z dimensions.
        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
        self.pc_range = np.array(pc_range)

    def forward(self, points):
        points: Tensor: (N, d), batch_id, x, y, z, ...
        device = points.device

        # voxel range of x, y, z
        grid_size = (self.pc_range[3:] - self.pc_range[:3]) / self.voxel_size
        grid_size = np.round(grid_size, 0, grid_size).astype(np.int64)

        voxel_size = torch.from_numpy(
        pc_range = torch.from_numpy(self.pc_range).type_as(points).to(device)

        points_coords = (
            points[:, 1:4] - pc_range[:3].view(-1, 3)) / voxel_size.view(-1, 3)  # x, y, z

        mask = reduce(torch.logical_and, (points_coords[:, 0] >= 0,
                                          points_coords[:, 0] < grid_size[0],
                                          points_coords[:, 1] >= 0,
                                          points_coords[:, 1] < grid_size[1],
                                          points_coords[:, 2] >= 0,
                                          points_coords[:, 2] < grid_size[2]))  # remove the points out of range

        points = points[mask]
        points_coords = points_coords[mask]

        points_coords = points_coords.long()
        batch_idx = points[:, 0:1].long()
        point_index =, points_coords), dim=1)

        unq, unq_inv = torch.unique(point_index, return_inverse=True, dim=0)
        unq =

        features = points[:, 1:]

        return features, unq[:, [0, 3, 2, 1]], unq_inv, grid_size[[2, 1, 0]]

The VoxelNet class is designed for performing dynamic voxelization on 3D point clouds. Voxelization is a process where a 3D space is divided into a grid of equally sized cubes (voxels), and points from the point cloud are assigned to these voxels based on their spatial coordinates.

Here’s a breakdown of the core functionality of the VoxelNet class:

  • Forward Method:
    • The forward method takes as input a tensor of points. This tensor has the shape (N, d) where N is the number of points and d is the number of features per point. The first feature is the batch_id, and the next three are the coordinates x, y, z. Additional features can be present as well.
    • The method calculates the size of the voxel grid (grid_size) by dividing the range of the point cloud by the voxel size.
    • It then computes the voxel grid coordinates (points_coords) for each point by subtracting the minimum point cloud range and dividing by the voxel size.
    • Points that fall outside the specified range (outside the grid) are filtered out using a mask.
    • The remaining points and their corresponding voxel coordinates are then converted to integer indices.
    • The method creates a unique index (point_index) for each point using its batch_id and voxel grid coordinates.
    • It finds unique voxel indices and returns the following:
      • features: The features of the points that remain after filtering.
      • unq: The unique voxel indices corresponding to the unique points.
      • unq_inv: The inverse of the unique voxel indices, mapping back to the original point indices.
      • grid_size: The size of the voxel grid.
# Create an instance of VoxelNet
voxel_size = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
pc_range = [0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10]
voxel_net = VoxelNet(voxel_size, pc_range)

# Generate synthetic point cloud data
batch_size = 1
num_points = 10
points =
    torch.zeros(num_points, 1),  # batch_id
    torch.rand(num_points, 3) * 10  # x, y, z
), dim=1)

# Forward pass
features, voxel_coords, unq_inv, grid_size = voxel_net(points)

# Print input and output
print("Input Points:")
print("\nVoxel Coordinates:")
print("\nUnique Inverse Indices:")
print("\nGrid Size:")

# Visual demonstration using matplotlib
# Plot original and voxelized points
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.scatter(points[:, 1], points[:, 2], points[:, 3], c='r', marker='o', label='Original Points')

# Convert voxel coordinates to real world coordinates
voxel_size = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
pc_range_min = np.array([0, 0, 0])
real_coords = voxel_coords[:, 1:4].numpy() * voxel_size + pc_range_min

ax.scatter(real_coords[:, 0], real_coords[:, 1], real_coords[:, 2], c='b', marker='^', label='Voxelized Points')
plt.title('Voxelization of Point Cloud')
Input Points:
tensor([[0.0000, 5.1454, 2.3374, 9.9073],
        [0.0000, 8.4996, 3.2674, 0.0379],
        [0.0000, 0.7200, 9.5793, 4.5018],
        [0.0000, 2.4532, 3.3480, 0.9841],
        [0.0000, 5.1391, 0.7281, 4.1405],
        [0.0000, 9.7150, 0.4090, 0.0740],
        [0.0000, 8.9659, 8.5211, 5.7163],
        [0.0000, 4.9131, 7.7118, 0.5395],
        [0.0000, 5.2191, 0.7674, 2.3421],
        [0.0000, 2.7364, 1.3320, 4.8849]])

tensor([[5.1454, 2.3374, 9.9073],
        [8.4996, 3.2674, 0.0379],
        [0.7200, 9.5793, 4.5018],
        [2.4532, 3.3480, 0.9841],
        [5.1391, 0.7281, 4.1405],
        [9.7150, 0.4090, 0.0740],
        [8.9659, 8.5211, 5.7163],
        [4.9131, 7.7118, 0.5395],
        [5.2191, 0.7674, 2.3421],
        [2.7364, 1.3320, 4.8849]])

Voxel Coordinates:
tensor([[ 0,  9, 19,  1],
        [ 0,  1,  6,  4],
        [ 0,  9,  2,  5],
        [ 0,  1, 15,  9],
        [ 0,  4,  1, 10],
        [ 0,  8,  1, 10],
        [ 0, 19,  4, 10],
        [ 0,  0,  6, 16],
        [ 0, 11, 17, 17],
        [ 0,  0,  0, 19]], dtype=torch.int32)

Unique Inverse Indices:
tensor([6, 7, 0, 1, 5, 9, 8, 3, 4, 2])

Grid Size:
[20 20 20]



 VoxelFeatureNet (voxel_size, pc_range)

This class performs dynamic voxelization of point clouds and then encodes the voxel features using DynamicVoxelEncoder.

voxel_size size of voxel
pc_range point cloud range
Exported source
class VoxelFeatureNet(nn.Module):
    This class performs dynamic voxelization of point clouds and then encodes the voxel features using DynamicVoxelEncoder.
    def __init__(self,
                voxel_size, # size of voxel
                pc_range # point cloud range

        self.voxelization = VoxelNet(voxel_size, pc_range)
        self.voxel_encoder = DynamicVoxelEncoder()

    def forward(self, points):
        features, coords, unq_inv, grid_size = self.voxelization(points)

        features = self.voxel_encoder(features, unq_inv)

        return features, coords, grid_size

The VoxelFeatureNet class is designed to perform dynamic voxelization and then encode the voxelized features. It integrates the functionality of the VoxelNet and DynamicVoxelEncoder classes to provide a streamlined process for transforming raw point cloud data into meaningful features that can be used in further processing, such as in neural networks for tasks like object detection, segmentation, or 3D scene understanding.

  • How VoxelFeatureNet Works:

    1. VoxelNet Integration:
    • VoxelNet is responsible for dynamically voxelizing the input point clouds.
    • It first takes raw point cloud data (points), which includes the batch index and the coordinates (x, y, z), along with other associated features.
    • The point cloud data is mapped onto a voxel grid based on the specified voxel_size and pc_range.
    • Points that fall outside the specified range are filtered out.
    • The voxel grid coordinates for each point are calculated and stored, and duplicate voxel indices are merged, with unique voxel indices being identified (unq), and a mapping from points to voxels is maintained (unq_inv).
    1. DynamicVoxelEncoder Integration:
    • Once the voxelization process is completed, the DynamicVoxelEncoder takes over.
    • This encoder aggregates the features of all points that fall into the same voxel by computing the mean of the features (scatter_mean function).
    • This step effectively reduces the point cloud data into a more compact voxel-based representation, where each voxel holds the average feature of all points within it.
    1. Return Values:
    • The class returns the aggregated voxel features, the voxel coordinates (coords), and the grid size (grid_size), which can be used for further processing in downstream tasks.

Overall, VoxelFeatureNet provides a structured way to convert raw point cloud data into voxelized features.

# Create an instance of VoxelFeatureNet
voxel_size = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
pc_range = [0, -40, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]

voxel_feature_net = VoxelFeatureNet(voxel_size, pc_range)

# Generate synthetic point cloud data
# Format: [batch_id, x, y, z, ...]
batch_size = 2
num_points = 500
num_features = 4  # x, y, z, intensity

points =[
    torch.randint(0, batch_size, (num_points, 1)).float(),  # batch_id
    torch.rand(num_points, 3) * torch.tensor([70.4, 80, 4]) - torch.tensor([0, 40, 3]),  # x, y, z
    torch.rand(num_points, num_features - 3)  # additional features
], dim=1)

# Forward pass through the VoxelFeatureNet
features, coords, grid_size = voxel_feature_net(points)
# Visual demonstration using matplotlib
def plot_voxel_grid(coords, grid_size):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    # Plot the voxel grid
    ax.set_xlim(0, grid_size[2])
    ax.set_ylim(0, grid_size[1])
    ax.set_zlim(0, grid_size[0])

    # Plot the occupied voxels
    for coord in coords:
        ax.scatter(coord[1], coord[2], coord[3], c='b', marker='o')

    plt.title('Voxel Grid')

# Plot the voxel grid with occupied coordinates
plot_voxel_grid(coords, grid_size)

MVF Enconder



 PointNet (in_channels:int, out_channels:int)

Linear Process for point feature

Type Details
in_channels int Number of input channels
out_channels int Number of output channels
Exported source
class PointNet(nn.Module):
    Linear Process for point feature

    def __init__(self,
                in_channels:int, # Number of input channels
                out_channels:int # Number of output channels
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)
        self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_channels, eps=1e-3, momentum=0.01)

    def forward(self, points):
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
        x = self.linear(points)
        x = self.norm(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True

        return x

The PointNet class is a simple neural network module designed for processing point features. This class abstracts a linear transformation followed by normalization and activation.

The core functionality of the PointNet class:

  1. Linear Transformation: It transforms the input features (point features) using a linear layer, effectively mapping the input dimension (in_channels) to the desired output dimension (out_channels).

  2. Normalization: After the linear transformation, the features are normalized using Batch Normalization to ensure stable and faster training by maintaining consistent feature distributions.

  3. Activation: The normalized features are passed through a ReLU activation function, introducing non-linearity and enabling the network to model complex relationships between input features.

Fixed Architecture:

  • The class is hardcoded to a single linear layer followed by batch normalization and ReLU activation. This limits its flexibility if more complex architectures or other types of layers (e.g., convolutional layers, more sophisticated non-linearities) are needed. Also it isn’t possible to change the number of layers or the activation function, nor the epsilon and momentum values for batch normalization, since they are hardcoded.



 PillarVoxelNet (voxel_size, pc_range)

This class implements the voxelization process, converting point clouds into voxel grid indices and computing features for each point relative to the voxel grid.

voxel_size Size of of each voxel in the grid, only utilize x and y size.
pc_range Point cloud range. Only utilize x and y min.
Exported source
class PillarVoxelNet(nn.Module):
    This class implements the voxelization process, converting point clouds into voxel grid indices and computing features for each point relative to the voxel grid.
    def __init__(self,
                voxel_size, # Size of of each voxel in the grid, only utilize x and y size.
                pc_range # Point cloud range. Only utilize x and y min.
        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
        self.pc_range = np.array(pc_range)

    def forward(self, points):
        device = points.device
        dtype = points.dtype

        grid_size = (self.pc_range[3:] - self.pc_range[:3]
                     )/self.voxel_size  # x,  y, z
        grid_size = np.round(grid_size, 0, grid_size).astype(np.int64)

        voxel_size = torch.from_numpy(
        pc_range = torch.from_numpy(self.pc_range).type_as(points).to(device)

        points_coords = (
            points[:, 1:4] - pc_range[:3].view(-1, 3)) / voxel_size.view(-1, 3)   # x, y, z
        points_coords[:, 0] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 0], 0, grid_size[0] - 1)
        points_coords[:, 1] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 1], 0, grid_size[1] - 1)
        points_coords[:, 2] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 2], 0, grid_size[2] - 1)

        points_coords = points_coords.long()
        batch_idx = points[:, 0:1].long()

        points_index =, points_coords[:, :2]), dim=1)
        unq, unq_inv = torch.unique(points_index, return_inverse=True, dim=0)
        unq =        # breakpoint()

        points_mean_scatter = torch_scatter.scatter_mean(
            points[:, 1:4], unq_inv, dim=0)

        f_cluster = points[:, 1:4] - points_mean_scatter[unq_inv]

        # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center
        f_center = points[:, 1:3] - (points_coords[:, :2].to(dtype) * voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) +
                                     voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) / 2 + pc_range[:2].unsqueeze(0))

        # Combine together feature decorations
        features =[points[:, 1:], f_cluster, f_center], dim=-1)

        return features, unq[:, [0, 2, 1]], unq_inv, grid_size[[1, 0]]

The PillarVoxelNet class is a component in the process of converting raw LiDAR point cloud data into a structured grid format for 3D object detection tasks. It is designed to convert unstructured LiDAR point cloud data into a structured voxel grid. By transforming the raw point data into a format that can be processed by the subsequent network layers, the class enables the network to capture spatial relationships.

Components of the Class:

Forward Pass (forward Method):

The forward method takes in a batch of point cloud data and performs the following steps:

  • Grid Size Calculation: The grid size (number of voxels along each axis) is calculated by dividing the range of the point cloud by the voxel size. This defines how many voxels fit into the defined point cloud range.

  • Voxelization: Each point in the point cloud is converted to a coordinate within the voxel grid. This is done by normalizing the point coordinates by the voxel size and adjusting them relative to the grid.

    The coordinates are then clamped to ensure they lie within the bounds of the grid.

  • Unique Voxel Identification: The points are then assigned to unique voxels based on their calculated voxel coordinates. The torch.unique function is used to identify unique voxel indices and the corresponding inverse indices.

  • Feature Computation:

    • Point-to-Pillar Mean: The mean position of points within each voxel (or pillar) is calculated.
    • Cluster Features (f_cluster): These features represent the offset of each point from the mean position of its corresponding voxel.
    • Centering Features (f_center): These features represent the distance of each point from the center of the voxel grid.

    Finally, the original point features, cluster features, and centering features are concatenated to form the final set of features for each point.

  • Return Values: The method returns:

    • features: The enhanced point features incorporating spatial relationships.
    • unq: The unique voxel indices.
    • unq_inv: Inverse indices for reconstructing the original point set.
    • grid_size: The size of the voxel grid in the x and y dimensions.
# Create an instance of PillarVoxelNet
voxel_size = [0.2, 0.2, 4]
pc_range = [0, 0, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]
pillar_voxel_net = PillarVoxelNet(voxel_size, pc_range)

# Generate synthetic point cloud data
batch_size = 1
num_points = 10
points = torch.rand(num_points, 4)
points[:, 0] = 0  # All points belong to the same batch
points[:, 1] = points[:, 1] * (pc_range[3] - pc_range[0]) + pc_range[0]
points[:, 2] = points[:, 2] * (pc_range[4] - pc_range[1]) + pc_range[1]
points[:, 3] = points[:, 3] * (pc_range[5] - pc_range[2]) + pc_range[2]

# Forward pass
features, unq, unq_inv, grid_size = pillar_voxel_net(points)

# Print the results
print("\nUnique Pillar Indices (Batch, X, Y):")
print("\nGrid Size (Y, X):")
tensor([[ 2.3704e+01,  2.8256e+01, -1.9798e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  3.5553e-03, -4.4041e-02],
        [ 1.0087e+01,  6.1095e+00, -3.1646e-01,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00, -1.3090e-02,  9.5429e-03],
        [ 5.4948e+01,  1.8746e+01, -2.3587e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  4.7882e-02,  4.5704e-02],
        [ 5.5123e+01,  1.7003e+01, -2.0925e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  2.3098e-02, -9.7160e-02],
        [ 5.7509e+01,  1.8222e+01, -2.2636e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  9.4337e-03, -7.7551e-02],
        [ 4.1481e+01,  2.1276e+01, -6.7486e-01,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00, -1.9176e-02, -2.3525e-02],
        [ 9.8798e-01,  3.4320e+01,  1.4192e-01,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  8.7983e-02,  1.9520e-02],
        [ 5.6135e+01,  2.2593e+01, -1.4039e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  3.4702e-02,  9.2648e-02],
        [ 6.3527e+01,  2.6058e+00, -2.0011e+00,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  2.6817e-02, -9.4187e-02],
        [ 5.2936e+01,  1.1646e+01,  8.8765e-01,  0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00,
          0.0000e+00,  3.5934e-02, -5.4329e-02]])

Unique Pillar Indices (Batch, X, Y):
tensor([[  0, 171,   4],
        [  0,  30,  50],
        [  0, 141, 118],
        [  0, 106, 207],
        [  0,  58, 264],
        [  0,  93, 274],
        [  0,  85, 275],
        [  0, 112, 280],
        [  0,  91, 287],
        [  0,  13, 317]], dtype=torch.int32)

Grid Size (Y, X):
[200 352]
# Create an instance of PillarVoxelNet
voxel_size = [0.2, 0.2, 4]
pc_range = [0, 0, -3, 70.4, 40, 1]
pillar_voxel_net = PillarVoxelNet(voxel_size, pc_range)

# Generate synthetic point cloud data
batch_size = 1
num_points = 1000
points = torch.rand(num_points, 4)
points[:, 0] = 0  # All points belong to the same batch
points[:, 1] = points[:, 1] * (pc_range[3] - pc_range[0]) + pc_range[0]
points[:, 2] = points[:, 2] * (pc_range[4] - pc_range[1]) + pc_range[1]
points[:, 3] = points[:, 3] * (pc_range[5] - pc_range[2]) + pc_range[2]

# Forward pass
features, unq, unq_inv, grid_size = pillar_voxel_net(points)

# # Plot original point cloud
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.scatter(points[:, 1], points[:, 2], c=points[:, 3], cmap='viridis', s=5)
plt.colorbar(label='Z Coordinate')
plt.title('Original Point Cloud')

# Plot voxelized point cloud (colored by unique pillar indices)
unique_pillar_colors ='tab20', len(unq))
color_map = unique_pillar_colors(unq_inv.numpy() % len(unq))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.scatter(points[:, 1], points[:, 2], c=color_map, s=5)
plt.title('Voxelized Point Cloud (Colored by Unique Pillar Indices)')



 CylinderNet (voxel_size, pc_range)

*Base class for all neural network modules.

Your models should also subclass this class.

Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::

import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        return F.relu(self.conv2(x))

Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:to, etc.

.. note:: As per the example above, an __init__() call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.

ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool*
voxel_size Size of each voxel, only utilize x and y size
pc_range Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
Exported source
class CylinderNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                voxel_size, # Size of each voxel, only utilize x and y size
                pc_range # Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size)
        self.pc_range = np.array(pc_range)

    def forward(self, points):
        device = points.device
        dtype = points.dtype
        points_x = points[:, 1:2]
        points_y = points[:, 2:3]
        points_z = points[:, 3:4]
        points_phi = torch.atan2(points_y, points_x) / np.pi * 180
        points_rho = torch.sqrt(points_x ** 2 + points_y ** 2)
        points_cylinder =
            (points[:, 0:1], points_phi, points_z, points_rho, points[:, 4:]), dim=-1)

        grid_size = (self.pc_range[3:] - self.pc_range[:3]
                     )/self.voxel_size  # phi, z, rho
        grid_size = np.round(grid_size, 0, grid_size).astype(np.int64)

        voxel_size = torch.from_numpy(
        pc_range = torch.from_numpy(self.pc_range).type_as(points).to(device)

        points_coords = (
            points_cylinder[:, 1:4] - pc_range[:3].view(-1, 3)) / voxel_size.view(-1, 3)
        points_coords[:, 0] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 0], 0, grid_size[0] - 1)
        points_coords[:, 1] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 1], 0, grid_size[1] - 1)
        points_coords[:, 2] = torch.clamp(
            points_coords[:, 2], 0, grid_size[2] - 1)
        points_coords = points_coords.long()
        batch_idx = points_cylinder[:, 0:1].long()

        points_index =, points_coords[:, :2]), dim=1)
        unq, unq_inv = torch.unique(points_index, return_inverse=True, dim=0)
        unq =

        points_mean_scatter = torch_scatter.scatter_mean(
            points_cylinder[:, 1:4], unq_inv, dim=0)
        f_cluster = points_cylinder[:, 1:4] - points_mean_scatter[unq_inv]

        # Find distance of x, y, and z from pillar center
        f_center = points_cylinder[:, 1:3] - (points_coords[:, :2].to(dtype) * voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) +
                                              voxel_size[:2].unsqueeze(0) / 2 + pc_range[:2].unsqueeze(0))

        # Combine together feature decorations
        features =
            [points_cylinder[:, 1:], f_cluster, f_center], dim=-1)

        return features, unq[:, [0, 2, 1]], unq_inv, grid_size[[1, 0]]

The CylinderNet class is a neural network module designed to transform the raw point cloud data into a cylindrical coordinate system, then organizes the points into a structured grid based on voxelization.


  • Conversion to Cylindrical Coordinates: The point cloud data initially represented in Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) is transformed into cylindrical coordinates (φ, z, ρ), where φ is the azimuthal angle, z is the height, and ρ is the radial distance from the origin. This conversion helps align the data with the sensor’s scanning pattern, making it easier to capture relevant features.

  • Voxelization and Grid Size Calculation: After converting to cylindrical coordinates, the point cloud is voxelized based on the specified voxel_size. The grid_size is computed by dividing the range of the point cloud by the voxel size, resulting in the number of voxels along each axis.

  • Point Indexing and Unique Coordinates: The transformed points are then mapped to voxel coordinates. Each point is assigned to a voxel based on its cylindrical coordinates. The code identifies unique voxel indices and computes scatter-based statistics, such as the mean, for each voxel, which are crucial for creating features.

  • Feature Decoration: Additional features are computed for each point, including the difference from the voxel center and the cluster center. These features help the network learn more about the local geometry of the point cloud.


  • features: A tensor containing the decorated features for each point, combining the cylindrical coordinates with additional features like cluster and center distances.
  • unq: The unique voxel indices.
  • unq_inv: The inverse mapping from unique indices to the original points, used to reconstruct the point-to-voxel relationship.
  • grid_size: The size of the voxel grid, reordered to match the required format.



 SingleView (in_channels, num_filters, layer_nums, ds_layer_strides,
             ds_num_filters, kernel_size, mode, voxel_size, pc_range,
             norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=None)

authoured by Beijing-jinyu convolution for single view

Type Default Details
in_channels Number of input channels
num_filters Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
layer_nums Number of blocks in each layer
ds_layer_strides Strides of each layer
ds_num_filters Number of features in each layer
kernel_size Kernel size of each layer
mode Mode of the network
voxel_size Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
pc_range Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
norm_cfg NoneType None Normalization config
act_cfg NoneType None Activation config
Exported source
class SingleView(nn.Module):
    authoured by Beijing-jinyu
    convolution for single view

    def __init__(self,
                 in_channels,  # Number of input channels
                 num_filters,  # Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
                 layer_nums,  # Number of blocks in each layer
                 ds_layer_strides,  # Strides of each layer
                 ds_num_filters,  # Number of features in each layer
                 kernel_size,  # Kernel size of each layer
                 mode,  # Mode of the network
                 voxel_size,  # Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
                 pc_range,  # Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
                 norm_cfg=None,  # Normalization config
                 act_cfg=None,  # Activation config
        self.mode = mode
        self.voxel_size = np.array(voxel_size[:2])
        self.bias = np.array(pc_range[:2])
        num_filters = [in_channels] + list(num_filters)
        pfn_layers = []
        for i in range(len(num_filters) - 1):
            in_filters = num_filters[i]
            out_filters = num_filters[i + 1]
            if i < len(num_filters) - 2:
                last_layer = False
                last_layer = True
                    in_filters, out_filters, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, last_layer=last_layer
        in_filters = [num_filters[-1], *ds_num_filters[:-1]]
        self.pfn_layers = nn.ModuleList(pfn_layers)
        blocks = []
        for i, layer_num in enumerate(layer_nums):
            block = self._make_layer(

        self.blocks = nn.ModuleList(blocks)
        self.ds_rate =

    def _make_layer(self, inplanes, planes, kernel_size, stride, num_blocks):

        layers = []
        layers.append(SparseConvBlock(inplanes, planes,
                      kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, use_subm=False))

        for j in range(num_blocks):
            layers.append(SparseBasicBlock(planes, kernel_size=kernel_size))

        return spconv.pytorch.SparseSequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, features, unq, unq_inv, grid_size):
        feature_pos = features[:,
                               0:2] if self.mode == 'pillar' else features[:, 10:12]
        device = feature_pos.device
        voxel_size = torch.from_numpy(
        bias = torch.from_numpy(self.bias).type_as(feature_pos).to(device)
        feature_pos = (feature_pos - bias) / voxel_size

        for pfn in self.pfn_layers:
            features = pfn(features, unq_inv)  # num_points, dim_feat
        features_voxel = torch_scatter.scatter_max(features, unq_inv, dim=0)[0]
        batch_size = len(torch.unique(unq[:, 0]))
        x = spconv.pytorch.SparseConvTensor(
            features_voxel, unq, grid_size, batch_size)

        for i in range(len(self.blocks)):
            x = self.blocks[i](x)
        x = x.dense()
        feature_pos =
            (unq[unq_inv][:, 0:1], feature_pos / self.ds_rate), dim=-1)

        return self.bilinear_interpolate(x, feature_pos)

    def bilinear_interpolate(self, image, coords):
        image: (B, C, H, W)
        coords: (N, 3): (B, y, x)
        x = coords[:, 1]
        x0 = torch.floor(x).long()
        x1 = x0 + 1

        y = coords[:, 2]
        y0 = torch.floor(y).long()
        y1 = y0 + 1

        B = coords[:, 0].long()

        x0 = torch.clamp(x0, 0, image.shape[3] - 1)
        x1 = torch.clamp(x1, 0, image.shape[3] - 1)
        y0 = torch.clamp(y0, 0, image.shape[2] - 1)
        y1 = torch.clamp(y1, 0, image.shape[2] - 1)

        Ia = image[B, :, y0, x0]
        Ib = image[B, :, y1, x0]
        Ic = image[B, :, y0, x1]
        Id = image[B, :, y1, x1]

        wa = ((x1.type(torch.float32)-x) *
        wb = ((x1.type(torch.float32)-x) *
        wc = ((x-x0.type(torch.float32)) *
        wd = ((x-x0.type(torch.float32)) *

        features = Ia * wa + Ib * wb + Ic * wc + Id * wd

        return features

The SingleView class is designed to perform convolutions on single views of LiDAR data. This class processes the input data through a series of convolutional layers.

Main Methods

  1. _make_layer(): This method constructs a sequence of convolutional blocks (using sparse convolutions) for a particular layer, depending on the number of blocks specified.

  2. forward(): This method defines the forward pass of the network. It processes the input features through the PFNLayers and blocks, applies voxelization, and finally performs bilinear interpolation to match the original resolution.

  3. bilinear_interpolate(): This method performs bilinear interpolation to upscale the sparse feature maps to a dense format, using the original spatial coordinates of the features.

# Instantiate the SingleView model
in_channels = 64
num_filters = [128, 256]
layer_nums = [2, 2]
ds_layer_strides = [2, 2]
ds_num_filters = [256, 512]
kernel_size = [3, 3]
mode = 'pillar'
voxel_size = [0.2, 0.2]
pc_range = [-50, -50]
norm_cfg = None
act_cfg = None

model = SingleView(in_channels, num_filters, layer_nums, ds_layer_strides, ds_num_filters, kernel_size, mode, voxel_size, pc_range, norm_cfg, act_cfg).to(DEVICE)

# Create dummy data and transfer to the same device
features = torch.randn(1000, 64, dtype=torch.float32).to(DEVICE)
unq = torch.randint(0, 10, (1000, 3), dtype=torch.int32).to(DEVICE)
unq_inv = torch.randint(0, 1000, (1000,), dtype=torch.int64).to(DEVICE)
grid_size = [200, 200]  # 2D spatial shape

# Input shapes
print("Features Shape:", features.shape)

# Forward pass
output_features = model(features, unq, unq_inv, grid_size)

print("Output Features Shape:", output_features.shape)
Features Shape: torch.Size([1000, 64])
Output Features Shape: torch.Size([1000, 512])



 MVFFeatureNet (in_channels, voxel_size, pc_range, cylinder_size,
                cylinder_range, num_filters, layer_nums, ds_layer_strides,
                ds_num_filters, kernel_size, out_channels)

authoured by Beijing-jinyu

in_channels Number of input channels
voxel_size Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
pc_range Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
cylinder_size Size of cylinders, only utilize x and y size
cylinder_range Cylinder range, only utilize x and y min
num_filters Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
layer_nums Number of blocks in each layer
ds_layer_strides Strides of each layer
ds_num_filters Number of features in each layer
kernel_size Kernel size of each layer
out_channels Number of output channels
Exported source
class MVFFeatureNet(nn.Module):
    authoured by Beijing-jinyu

    def __init__(self,
                in_channels, # Number of input channels
                voxel_size, # Size of voxels, only utilize x and y size
                pc_range, # Point cloud range, only utilize x and y min
                cylinder_size, # Size of cylinders, only utilize x and y size
                cylinder_range, # Cylinder range, only utilize x and y min
                num_filters, # Number of features in each of the N PFNLayers
                layer_nums, # Number of blocks in each layer
                ds_layer_strides, # Strides of each layer
                ds_num_filters, # Number of features in each layer
                kernel_size, # Kernel size of each layer
                out_channels # Number of output channels
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.voxel_size = voxel_size
        self.pc_range = pc_range
        self.cylinder_range = cylinder_range
        self.cylinder_size = cylinder_size

        self.voxelization = PillarVoxelNet(voxel_size, pc_range)
        self.cylinderlization = CylinderNet(cylinder_size, cylinder_range)

        self.pillarview = SingleView((in_channels + 5) * 2, num_filters, layer_nums, ds_layer_strides,
                                     ds_num_filters, kernel_size, 'pillar', self.voxel_size, self.pc_range)
        self.cylinderview = SingleView((in_channels + 5) * 2, num_filters, layer_nums, ds_layer_strides,
                                       ds_num_filters, kernel_size, 'cylinder', self.cylinder_size, self.cylinder_range)
        self.ds_rate =

        self.pointnet1 = PointNet((in_channels + 5) * 2, ds_num_filters[-1])
        self.pointnet2 = PointNet(ds_num_filters[-1] * 3, out_channels)

    def forward(self, points):
        dtype = points.dtype
        pc_range = torch.tensor(self.pc_range, dtype=dtype)
        mask = reduce(torch.logical_and, (points[:, 1] >= pc_range[0],
                                          points[:, 1] < pc_range[3],
                                          points[:, 2] >= pc_range[1],
                                          points[:, 2] < pc_range[4],
                                          points[:, 3] >= pc_range[2],
                                          points[:, 3] < pc_range[5]))
        points = points[mask]

        pillar_feature, pillar_coords, pillar_inv, pillar_size = self.voxelization(
        cylinder_feature, cylinder_coords, cylinder_inv, cylinder_size = self.cylinderlization(
        points_feature =, cylinder_feature), dim=-1)

        pillar_view = self.pillarview(
            points_feature, pillar_coords, pillar_inv, pillar_size)
        cylinder_view = self.cylinderview(
            points_feature, cylinder_coords, cylinder_inv, cylinder_size)

        points_feature = self.pointnet1(points_feature)
        points_feature =
            (points_feature, pillar_view, cylinder_view), dim=-1)
        pillar_feature = self.pointnet2(points_feature)
        pillar_feature = torch_scatter.scatter_max(
            pillar_feature, pillar_inv, dim=0)[0]
        batch_size = len(torch.unique(pillar_coords[:, 0]))
        pillar_coords[:, 1:] = pillar_coords[:, 1:] // self.ds_rate
        pillar_size = pillar_size // self.ds_rate
        x = spconv.pytorch.SparseConvTensor(
            pillar_feature, pillar_coords, pillar_size, batch_size)
        return x.dense()

The MVFFeatureNet class aggregates multiple views of the point cloud data by combining the already presented classes, PillarVoxelNet and CylinderNet, to create a richer feature representation for 3D object detection tasks by using pillar-based and cylinder-based voxelization methods. The goal is to create a richer feature representation by leveraging the complementary strengths of these two methods:

  1. Pillar Voxelization (PillarVoxelNet): Converts point cloud data into a pseudo-image representation by dividing the space into vertical columns (pillars). This method is efficient and captures the overall structure of the point cloud.

  2. Cylinder Voxelization (CylinderNet): Divides the point cloud into cylindrical segments, which can better capture radial features and angular information that might be missed by pillar-based methods.

The MVFFeatureNet then processes these two types of voxelized features through separate convolutional pathways (SingleView) and integrates them using a series of PointNet modules to produce a final, unified feature representation.

  • Voxelization and Cylinderization: The point cloud data is first pre-processed by the PillarVoxelNet and CylinderNet, which convert the raw point cloud data into structured formats that are easier to process with convolutional layers.

  • SingleView Processing: Each view (pillar and cylinder) is processed independently using the SingleView class, which applies a series of convolutional layers to extract features. These features are later merged to provide a multi-view representation of the data.

  • PointNet: This module processes the combined features from both views. PointNet is well-suited for handling irregular point cloud data and is used here to further refine the feature representation.

  • Sparse Convolution Tensor: Finally, the processed features are packed into a sparse tensor format using spconv.pytorch.SparseConvTensor and returned as the output of the network.